Max finally decided to show up.
After being in Montana with Grace for over 2 weeks, Maximus Kirby Alexander FINALLY came on September 15th at 1:25pm. He was 7 lbs 4 oz 18.5 inches. He already has a great personality and Zoe LOVE'S being a big sister. She sure does enjoy giving her little brother tons of kisses. It is so cute! Sadly, after Max was born I was only able to spend 9 days with him and everyone else. He was born September 15th, and we left September 24th. It's sad that I didn't get to spend more time with all of them in Montana, but it was time to come home. It was a super fun trip anyways. I loved every minute of it. I'm a very lucky woman to be blessed with the niece and nephew I have now. I love you, Zoe and Max!
We love and miss you so much!