Friday, October 8, 2010

Wow. It has been a while.

OK! Well, It has been FOREVER since I've updated this thing. Ha!

First off, Great news... I should be getting my braces off in two to three months! I'm SO excited. :D I can't wait. This is gonna be goooood.

Plans for this month? Well, Chelsei Henderson is coming to our house in about two weeks! Exciting, I know. ;)

Jacob's birthday is this month also. He's gonna be OLD!! Kidding. Only 18. It's crazy how fast we are growing up.

We've all been very busy in school here. We are all doing online courses through Arizona Virtual Academy, Or, AZVA. It is fun, stressful, crazy, and new to us! We will get used to it, I'm sure.

OOOOOH kay, In December, There is one chick that is coming to visit by the name of *Andrea Yohe.* I am SO excited to see her. This is going to be the BEST. EVER! She is staying with us for a week, I believe. It will be fun. :D

Okie dokie, This year is ending fast. The faster it end's, The closer I get to being able to DRIVE! How scary is THAT?! :P LOOK OUT ARIZONA! HERE COME'S SARA SHULER! Aaaahhh!

Well, That's all for now. Hope you enjoy my 'little' update.

God bless you all.

With love,
SaraBethy <3

Friday, February 19, 2010


I think I love my pillow! I call him Mister Pillow and he calls me EVERY NIGHT! He is AWESOME! :D We have the bestest time with each other!!!! Hahahaha! So, I was sick for awhile and now I'm better! Woo Hoo!

Sorry, I know this is a short post...But My brain is not working to well right now. I might try some other time! BYE!

Love, Sara!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hi everyone! Life is good, Life is GREAT! I'm SO very excited for My Sister! :D Okay so next Saturday we have District Convention. Then the Saturday after that We go to California for a Bluegrass Festival! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! In July We are going to Washington for another Bluegrass Festival!!!! Then in August we are going to Montana to be with Gracie when she has her BABY! OH BOY I'M SO HAPPY! Sounds exciting huh??? Hope you all have an awesome Saturday!

Love, Sara Beth!

Friday, January 15, 2010


Hi everyone! Sorry, I haven't been keeping up with posting! I'm bad! Hahaha!